Sunday, August 12, 2007

more on an old friend found

as I noted in this entry I found my old alinco dj c1 radio a tiny 2meter radio I was a prize I found when Gordon West was the featured speaker at the SVRC in springfield Ill back when I was VP it was a door prize presuming for Gordo promoting alinco products or some such arrnagement

well I gave it a cahrge and tried it out up in calumet today on 315 repeater which is operating without a pl tone and it work the range still sucks but what does one expect of something that size (BTW should someone know of a pic of the radio Id be glad of them droping me a coment with that info) just seeing brings back interesting memeries of those days the VP of the SVRC is charged with a finding a program for each meeting except our anual meeting with somone else secored Gordo as a speaker was an interesting show as I recall he had manged to chatch on tape a few of our senoir memeber well making mistakes on HF (not rules violation but suchthing as the wrong ssb and a realy worky sounding CW trans from K0HMO as I recall, and amzingly even had a bi t of ME on 6SSB on one the few times I caught a realy good band opening

Saturday, August 11, 2007

atv gear found and TESTED good

found my old atv set will have to order some new crystal damn that "a"line anyway not sure I'll get this sort of system up again before winter but maybe